Ho Seok Kee
Ho Seok Kee is a local interdisciplinary artist. She graduated with Diploma in Fine Art (Distinction) at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2016, and Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art, First Class Honours) at Nanyang Academy of Fine Art/University Loughborough (UK) in 2018. She completed her Master of Science in Applied Gerontology at the Nanyang Technological University in 2022.
Although Kee was formally trained in Chinese ink painting but faced with production constraints during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, she now paints mostly on canvas. Her current works are inspired from continued research on Mi Fu’s (米) or rice textured dots, how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has invaded our lives, and environmental issues like conservation of mountains.

Altitude was from the series created in 2020, where the paintings were inspired images of technology buzzwords related to Artificial Intelligence including data analysis, machine learning, computer algorithms or 5G network.
Using computer software applications, the images were distorted to create surreal images. Such images served as references for further development. The final interpretation of the distorted images is a divergent from the transformed picture. Altitude is an artistic interpretation of machine learning. Unsupervised learning aims to identify patterns in data and is commonly done through clustering.
Altitude is a visual interpretation of the order that can be derived from the chaos.
Altitude (高度), 2020
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 90cm
S$ 5,800.00

Mountains are also known as “water towers,” where almost half of the world's freshwater is stored in mountain glaciers. Mountains play an important role to combat climate change. Deforestation in mountains critically harms the surrounding ecosystems that depend on them. Glaciers and snow reflect solar radiation, and forests absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the environment.
Conscious #1.0, designed to inspire viewers to protect the mountains that form the framework of biodiversity. Preserve the mountains and their ecosystems, and tread gently upon their ancient paths. It is to understand that we are mere visitors in their realm, and our actions can have a lasting impact. Protect the mountains from intensive land use, and unsustainable leisure activities. Do not leave garbage behind, and don’t try to take even a small souvenir from the mountains. Strive to be caretakers of their delicate balance, preserving their magnificence for generations to come.
Conscious #1.0 (觉悟 #1.0), 2023
Acrylic on canvas
60 x 90cm
S$ 8,800.00